
Chapman Tripp Award winners
1990 - 1999
2000 - 2009
The Chapman Tripp Awards, inaugurated in 1992, celebrate theatre in Wellington, and winners are chosen by a panel of Wellington Theatre critics. Awards are presented annually.

Bruce Mason Award winners
The Bruce Mason Award is an annual award for emerging professional playwrights.

NZ Listener annual theatre critics choices

University of Otago Robert Burns Fellowship, Victoria University Writers' Fellow, Ursula Bethell Residency in Creative Writing (Canterbury), Auckland University Literary Fellowship & Waikato University Writer-in-Residence theatre-related winners

The Laureate Awards & sundry other literary award theatre-related winners

Adam NZ Play Award (formerly the Playmarket New Play Award

The NZ Book Council website provides a list of New Zealand Literary Award Winners , covering all NZ's literary awards.

University of Otago