Theatre 1Left

Welcome to Theatre Aotearoa, an archive of stage productions in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The project was initiated by Theatre Studies at Otago University in 2004 and is still in active progress. We are collaborating with the theatre community, other universities, libraries, archives, and also welcome contributions from members of the public. The long-term aim is to have all theatre productions staged in this country identified, with as much information provided as possible. You will also find records of New Zealand plays performed overseas, overseas touring productions in NZ, and some opera and dance entries. Also included are entries for musical theatre, student theatre, radio drama.
The archive is structured around individual productions and gives information about scripts, writers, directors, cast and crew, venues, dates, reviews, articles and much more. You can search under title, director, cast & crew, genre, venue, dates and keywords, and there are further search possibilities available within each section. (See Help for options.)

Theatre Aotearoa currently contains details on 20,480 theatre, opera and dance productions in New Zealand, with more being added regularly, in addition to updates of existing entries. Most recent updates: 11 February, 2023.

Use the Contact or Feedback buttons (in the left margin of all search pages, ie every page once you enter the database) to submit corrections, additions, etc. All assistance is most welcome!

Buttons on the left hand side of every search page will also take you to useful lists of NZ theatre Articles, Books, Awards, Links and more.

You may find it useful to consult the Help section to discover all the ways you can most effectively make use of this database. The Help button can be found in the left hand margin of every page once you enter the database.

Happy hunting!

Thanks to CNZ

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University of Otago